If you want your child to become an entertainer, there are a several things that you should keep in mind. If you see that your child is taking a keen interest in a field like magic or juggling, you may do your bit to help them start off.
One of the first things that you should bear in mind is that there is vast difference between performing amongst family members and performing amongst strangers. A kid may be good while talking to people he or she is familiar with but may find it difficult to communicate with strangers. Thus you should get the child to perform in front of small groups of people before allowing them to showcase their talent in larger platforms.
It may be somewhat surprising but many people may not be willing to engage your child professionally. This is not because your child is not good enough but merely because there are regulations regarding employing children. Some people are a little hesitant about getting minors to perform acts because minors are not always aware of the safety measures that have to be adopted for all acts.
As parent you must never push your children to do more than what they absolutely want to do. If you see that they are losing interest in their hobby after a year or so, it may not be advisable to ask them pursue the hobby. In case they are willing to be a part of the entertainment world, you could buy them the implements that they will require from time to time. Treat these expenses as an investment because a little support can go a long way. With luck and a lot of hard work, you child may become a successful and sought after entertainer!